Read more about the article Untermyer Gardens, Yonkers, part 2
Temple of Love and surrounding landscaping. Untermyer Gardens, Yonkers, NY. Photo copyright © 2022 Dianne L. Durante

Untermyer Gardens, Yonkers, part 2

On Samuel Untermyer and the Untermyer Gardens, see last week's post. This post is available as a video at The Vista From the Walled Garden, a flight of a…

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Read more about the article Untermyer Gardens, Yonkers, part 1
Untermyer Gardens: Walled Garden. Yonkers, NY. Photo copyright © 2022 Dianne L. Durante

Untermyer Gardens, Yonkers, part 1

This post is available as a video at History of the Gardens As a corporate lawyer, Samuel Untermyer (1858-1940) was reportedly the first to earn a million-dollar fee. Eventually…

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Read more about the article Timeline 1900-2021, part 11: 2000-2009
US soldiers in Afghanistan, 2011. Photo: Wikipedia. Tea Party sign, 2012. Photo: Quinn Dombrowski_2 / Wikipedia. Steve Jobs announces the release of the iPhone, 2007. Photo: Blake Patterson / Wikipedia

Timeline 1900-2021, part 11: 2000-2009

Eleventh of 12 posts with an illustrated decade-by-decade timeline for the years 1900 to 2021. For more on the timeline and a link to the book on Amazon, see here.…

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Read more about the article Timeline 1900-2021, part 10: 1990-1999
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 1997. George R.R. Martin, Game of Thrones (Song of Ice and Fire series), 1996. EvAngelos Frudakis, Reaching, 1996 (Photo copyright © 2020 Dianne L. Durante).

Timeline 1900-2021, part 10: 1990-1999

Tenth of 12 posts with an illustrated decade-by-decade timeline for the years 1900 to 2021. For more on the timeline and a link to the book on Amazon, see here.…

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Read more about the article Timeline 1900-2021, part 9: 1980-1989
Jackson, Thriller, 1982. Madonna, Like a Virgin, 1984. Hammer, Feel My Power, 1986. Schönberg & Boublil, Les Miserables, 1987.

Timeline 1900-2021, part 9: 1980-1989

Ninth of 12 posts with an illustrated decade-by-decade timeline for the years 1900 to 2021. For more on the timeline and a link to the book on Amazon, see here.…

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Read more about the article Timeline 1900-2021, part 8: 1970-1979
Newsweek’s cover for 1/26/1970, the issue devoted to “The Ravaged Environment.” Nixon just after resigning as president, 1974. Photo: Wikipedia. Sign at a gas station during the oil crisis, 1974. Photo: Wikipedia. Iranian students climb walls of US Embassy in Tehran at start of hostage crisis, 1979. Photo:

Timeline 1900-2021, part 8: 1970-1979

Eighth of 12 posts with an illustrated decade-by-decade timeline for the years 1900 to 2021. For more on the timeline and a link to the book on Amazon, see here.…

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Read more about the article Timeline 1900-2021, part 7: 1960-1969
Breakfast at Tiffany's, 1961. The Graduate, 1967. Nimoy as Mr. Spock on Star Trek, ca. 1966-1969. Beatles, With the Beatles, 1963. Jackson Five, Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5, 1969.

Timeline 1900-2021, part 7: 1960-1969

Seventh of 12 posts with an illustrated decade-by-decade timeline for the years 1900 to 2021. For more on the timeline and a link to the book on Amazon, see here.…

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Read more about the article Timeline 1900-2021, part 6: 1950-1959
Nuclear warhead stockpiles of the United States and the Soviet Union/Russia, 1945-2014. Fastfission / Wikipedia. Integration at the Barnard School, 1955. Photo: Wikipedia. CDC's polio vaccine poster. Wikipedia

Timeline 1900-2021, part 6: 1950-1959

Sixth of 12 posts with an illustrated decade-by-decade timeline for the years 1900 to 2021. For more on the timeline and a link to the book on Amazon, see here.…

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