A video of a five-post series on the ideas behind Timeline 1700-1900 is now available on Substack and on YouTube. It’s based on a series of posts on historiography that I wrote back in August 2024.
If you prefer the written word, the posts are here (free to everyone):
1 = https://diannedurante.substack.com/p/on-history-and-timeline-1700-1900
2 = https://diannedurante.substack.com/p/on-history-and-timeline-1700-1900-f10
3 = https://diannedurante.substack.com/p/on-history-and-timeline-1700-1900-181
4 = https://diannedurante.substack.com/p/on-history-and-timeline-1700-1900-8cf
5 = https://diannedurante.substack.com/p/on-history-and-timeline-1700-1900-1cb
Hope to see you on Substack!