There are separate pages on this site for art, my writings on Alexander Hamilton; History, technology, and business; and Fearless Foreign Foods. For book recommendations for kids, see this page; for music and toys for kids, see this page.
Writing for video and apps

- “Creating the Monuments of Manhattan app” (interview with Marian Calabro for Freewrite ezine)
- Interview on Monuments of Manhattan app (with Joseph Kellard in The Objective Standard)

VersaQuill Copywriting Workbook (Amazon CreateSpace) – A systematic way to generate ideas for copywriting, and to check what you’ve produced against accepted “best practices” of prominent copywriters from the last century or so. I pull this off the shelf every time I need to promote a new book or product. More here.

- Step-by-Step Kindle Publishing (Kindle) – Geared toward those of us who would rather be writing books than writing computer code; an overview of the principles of ebook design, followed by step-by-step instructions arranged so you can easily find the parts that apply to your book. – NOTE: As of 1/7/2018, I’m no longer selling this on Kindle – it was published in 2012, and many of the details have changed.
- “Notes on Self-Publishing” – My experiences with the benefits, hurdles, and expenses of self publishing. Written 2003, updated 2009.
- Self-Publishing Checklist: written ca. 2005, but still useful if you’re a novice at self-publishing.
- Publishing Options: Comparison of Traditional Publishing, Print on Demand, and Ebooks