Hamilton Joins Washington’s Staff (Hamilton 16)

Washington asks Congress for help Commander-in-Chief George Washington to John Hancock, President of the Continental Congress: New York July the 11th 1776 As I am truly sensible the time of Congress…

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Pergamon Exhibition (Metropolitan Museum Favorites, 9)

Back in the 1870s, German archeologists began extensive excavations at Pergamon, an ancient Greek city whose ruins lie in modern Turkey, near the Aegean Sea. The museum built to house the…

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A Revue of Royal & Revolutionary Rhetoric (Hamilton 15)

In several violent Acts and interludes, with important and incendiary dialogue in (of course) red. Setting: A world before the Industrial Revolution and capitalism, with countries ruled by kings and assorted…

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Hamilton vs. Seabury (Hamilton 14)

By 1774, 45-year-old Reverend Samuel Seabury (1729-1796) was a veteran of verbal combat. Assigned to a church in New Jersey from 1754 to 1757, he became embroiled in the debate over…

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New York, New York (Hamilton 13)

New York is the greatest city in the world: no argument from me about that. But greatness has to start somewhere ... Here's the Dutch settlement at the southern end of…

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Saint Gaudens and His Sherman

Sculpting the Sherman Monument Augustus Saint Gaudens, recognized since his Farragut, 1880, as one of America's most skilled and innovative sculptors, was already ill in 1891, when he accepted the commission for an equestrian…

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Angelica Schuyler (Hamilton 12)

In 1776, the "old money" families in New York - the ones that had been around in Dutch times and had continued to thrive for a century under the British -…

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