Young Philip (Hamilton 21)

I'd meant to write on the Battle of Monmouth this week, but I'm skipping ahead a bit, to the song after "Yorktown," because it's a perfect Father's Day song. Not bad…

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Hamilton Asks for a Military Command (Hamilton 20)

Alexander and Eliza were married in December, 1780 (see last week's post). A month earlier, with the prospect of a wife and family to support, Hamilton wrote to George Washington…

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Frishmuth’s The Vine (Metropolitan Museum Favorites, 11)

My Innovators in Sculpture tour starts at Frishmuth's The Vine, one of my favorite sculptures in the Metropolitan Museum of Art - and a great example of how far sculptors had…

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Alexander and Eliza Engaged (Hamilton 19)

"Employ all your leisure in reading" By early July 1780, Alexander and Eliza had been engaged for several months. (For Alexander's list of requirements for a wife, his letter to sister…

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Tappan Zee Progress

I posted in April on the new Tappan Zee Bridge. Here's an update: pics from the end of May 2016, taken from the bridge rather than the viewing platform on…

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Hamilton’s Love Life as a Bachelor (Hamilton 18)

A note on long-distance relationships in the 18th century In the 1770s, there is no Snapchat or Twitter, no email or phone. If you can't talk to someone face to…

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