Mother Italy (New York City sculpture)

A short description and history of the sculpture, and then: how do I feel about this piece, and why? Stats Sculptor: Giuseppe Massari Medium and size: Bronze, 9 feet wide,…

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Yorktown, October 16-18, 1781 (Hamilton 36)

Like 9/11, the British surrender at Yorktown was recognized as a world-changing event at the very moment it happened. Everyone remembered where they were and what they saw and did. We…

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Yorktown, August to Early October, 1781 (Hamilton 34)

Here are the main characters on the American Revolutionary scene, in September and October 1781 - skewed, of course, to those who appear in Hamilton: An American Musical. The Americans George…

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Why does an artist need a model? (Part 3)

A member of my email list recently asked: In rereading The Fountainhead I was reminded of something I’ve long wondered about, in the story of Steven Mallory’s sculpture using Dominique as a…

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Alexander and Eliza’s Rings, Handkerchiefs, and Wedding Cake (Hamilton 33)

Today, September 2, 2016, is the last day of the Hamilton memorabilia exhibition at the Rare Book and Manuscripts Library in the Butler Library, Columbia University. It includes Alexander and Eliza's wedding bands.…

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