Hamilton vs. Seabury (Hamilton 14)

By 1774, 45-year-old Reverend Samuel Seabury (1729-1796) was a veteran of verbal combat. Assigned to a church in New Jersey from 1754 to 1757, he became embroiled in the debate over…

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New York, New York (Hamilton 13)

New York is the greatest city in the world: no argument from me about that. But greatness has to start somewhere ... Here's the Dutch settlement at the southern end of…

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Saint Gaudens and His Sherman

Sculpting the Sherman Monument Augustus Saint Gaudens, recognized since his Farragut, 1880, as one of America's most skilled and innovative sculptors, was already ill in 1891, when he accepted the commission for an equestrian…

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Angelica Schuyler (Hamilton 12)

In 1776, the "old money" families in New York - the ones that had been around in Dutch times and had continued to thrive for a century under the British -…

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New Tappan Zee Bridge

Did you ever wonder why the Tappan Zee Bridge was built at the Hudson River's widest point? To be as close to New York City as possible, without being within 25 miles…

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Thomas Paine’s Common Sense (Hamilton 11)

The pamphlet Common Sense, which Angelica mentions in "The Schuyler Sisters," was published anonymously in Philadelphia, on January 10, 1776. Within a few months, British expatriate Thomas Paine was known to be…

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America’s Response Monument at Ground Zero

I'm happy that the there is now one figurative sculpture at the World Trade Center site: it honors the Americans who fought in the wake of 9/11. While construction on the…

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